Join Us for Worship
10AM SUNDAYS in person
Our Gatherings
Every time we gather, we strive to spend time in worship through the study of God’s Word, through song, and through prayer. It is our desire to make much of Jesus both as we gather corporately and as we go about our daily lives.
A Church Dedicated to the Word of God
The Bible helps shape everything we do as a congregation. To learn more about our beliefs, click below.
A Church Worshipping God in Spirit and in Truth
At Wakeminster, we want our worship to be authentic, seasoned by scripture, and glorifying to God above all. To learn more about our church or to contact one of our pastors, click below.

Sunday Morning Groups - 9:00am
Sunday Worship Gathering - 10:00am
Wednesday Group Discipleship - 6:30 pm
*Nursery care available Sunday mornings for corporate worship time